I had to maneuver carefully to pull over to the side of the road, with cars beeping, and swerving around me. This is not the first time it happened to me, and it's very dangerous. I was driving down the center lane on rt 41 in port charlotte, with an approximate speed of 45 mph, when the engine just shut down. Called the dealer again today and they had no other answer.
#2005 expedition fuel pump install how to
I will not let my wife and children ride in the vehicle tried to have fixed at the dealer in Dec 2011 and they had no idea how to fix it, just wanted to start replacing parts. There are many reports of this same failure on the internet. If it had been my wife and children in the vehicle, or if it had happened on the highway, it is highly likely that the outcome would have been much worse. The first occurrence was in Dec 2011, and it just happened again this morning (), luckily I was driving and safely maneuvered out of harm's way. Luckily I was able to coast through the intersection and onto the shoulder without getting hit. Both cases happened while turning through a major intersection, the engine continued to run, but there was no connection between the gas pedal and the throttle (stepping on the gas had no effect). I have a 2005 Expedition and have had a electronic throttle control failure on it twice in the last 10 months. Ford should further refund the cost of the fuel pump because all indications show that the fuel pump is bad, when in truth it is the module and not the fuel pump. This looks like a design flaw on Ford's part and a recall should be ordered. When the new module arrived, it now has a rubber gasket to keep them separate. It is aluminum attached to a steel frame, with nothing separating them. The placement for the module is a terrible spot. When the chunks were knocked off, under them were two holes through the side of the module and the circuit was burnt, the plug was also starting to corrode. When the module was removed, it was found to have two large sections of corrosion about 1/4 inch thick.

I found the "drivers module" on the back topside of the frame. Looking on the internet for possible solutions from others, I found one person with the same problem and followed their advise on how to fix it. After replacement of the fuel pump, vehicle would not start. The fuel filter and fuel pump were replaced because all indications lead to believe that the fuel pump was bad. After 1 hour vehicle the vehicle started and then died within seconds. While traveling down the freeway at 70 mph, the vehicle died.

The fuel pump control module itself should be scrutinized hence it's location makes it vulnerable to weather and quick corrosion. This module supply power to the fuel pump motor in the fuel tank.
#2005 expedition fuel pump install driver
When this relay contact fails, power is lost to the fuel pump driver module located under the driver's rear wheel well. Making this part integral to the power block makes it extremely expensive to repair and makes the vehicle unsafe as far as a reasonable repair to a critical system and places other systems at risk by the nature of replacing the entire power block to repair the problem. This relay is an integral part of the main power distribution panel / fuse block right of the passenger foot well. A final diagnosis was performed and was determined of a relay contact failure. After safely coasting off onto the shoulder just past the said intersection the vehicle would not start and was towed to a repair facility. Ignition system was functional, as were all other facets of the electrical system seemed fine during the engine power failure, however, loss of steering power and braking power was evident and prominent. Electrical proveout indicators were normal. The reported model was cruising at 65 miles an hour along North bound I-795 nc rte 42, wilson, nc (state police responded to this disabled vehicle call) vehicle acted like it ran out of gas.