The Cushman serial number should be six numbers, then a dash. If we don't have a listing for the name, please use the search function to see if there is any mention of it on our site. Dating a vintage sewing can be quite easy or significantly more difficult, depending upon the sewing machine and style, use the list below to check its age form its serial number if the serial number does not include letters. olds question conversations jealousy dating headlines aspects articles lovers. Whether you want to pick up one of your own older models because you love the history, aesthetic or nostalgia of the. This is my vintage Cushman Trackster that I mounted a john Deere gator snow plow on. If your sewing machine, accessory, or ephemera has a name on it, this is the place to start. Antique and Rare Sewing Machines Sewing Machine Research. Knowing more about your vintage sewing machine can help you make the most of this addition to your home. Look up your Singer Sewing Machine Serial Number to find out when your machine was made and. Sewing machines manufactured in the 1960s usually have the. You will find the model number on the front panel of machines manufactured in the 1970s and 1980s. The number stamped on the bed of the machine is the serial number. Until 1889 most machines carried 2 numbers. Singer didnt put the model numbers on their domestic machines before the early. These are though generally regarded as being fairly accurate. There are no factual records at all from this period, just a best estimate of the years when ranges of numbers were probably made. Vintage sewing machines range from beautiful antiques to practical, usable, high quality pieces. For sewing machines manufactured since about 1990, look for the model number on the handwheel side of the machine near the on/off switch or the electric cord receptacle. Up until 1900 a simple sequential numbering system (1 up to 16,831,099) was used.