Steffen Herbold TU Clausthal, Alexander Trautsch University of Göttingen, Benjamin Ledel TU Clausthal, Alireza Aghamohammadi Sharif University of Technology, Taher A Ghaleb University of Ottawa, Kuljit Kaur Chahal Guru Nanak Dev University, Tim Bossenmaier Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Bhaveet Nagaria Brunel University London, Philip Makedonski University of Goettingen, Matin Nili Ahmadabadi University of Tehran, Kristof Szabados Ericsson Hungary ltd., Helge Spieker Simula Research Laboratory, Norway, Matej Madeja Technical University of Košice, Nathaniel G. Venue: David Lawrence Convention Center.NIER (Novel Ideas and Emerging Results).Replications and Negative Results (RENE).MOBILESoft Student Research Competition.

MOBILESoft NIER (Novel Ideas and Emerging Results).ICPC Replications and Negative Results (RENE).